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About Us

SQG GARMENTS LTD.sells trendy clothing and apparel to an international market consisting of individuals of all ages, from all walks of life. It markets its product line as, “Set the Trends” and commits itself to become a leading and responsible apparel company, which understands the human requirements and acts to balance these requirements by providing world-class products, keeping in view the social, economical and environmental concerns.


What people say

Quam sodales volutpat eget aliquet massa urna risus faucibus turpis malesuada nibh dictum elementum ornare tristique.
Julia Keys
UI Designer
Sed adipiscing adipiscing feugiat platea egestas varius eget enim laoreet pharetra, vulputate vitae elementum bibendum neque
Richard Durgan
Graphic Designer
Dui, ultrices odio ipsum morbi sit semper nunc neque fames at elit praesent purus molestie eget
Pete Anderson
Visual Artist

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